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Video Calling for Seniors

Connect Face-to-Face with Loved Ones, No Matter the Distance

In today’s digital age, video calling has made it possible to see and talk to loved ones from anywhere in the world. This means being able to maintain close connections without the barriers of distance. 

Zoom and FaceTime are great for virtual interactions, from family meet-ups to professional gatherings. Zoom is recognised for its versatility, enabling virtual meetings, screen sharing, and providing accessibility features like subtitles and keyboard shortcuts. On the other hand, FaceTime, exclusively for Apple users, is celebrated for its intuitive design, high-quality video and audio, and a secure calling environment thanks to end-to-end encryption. To utilise these platforms, users generally need to choose a suitable platform, create an account, add contacts, and initiate a video call by selecting the relevant option.

To enhance the video call experience, maintaining a stable internet connection is important to avoid interruptions, ensuring good lighting to highlight the user’s face and opting for a quiet room or using headphones to guarantee clear audio. These tips ensure a smooth and engaging communication experience, maximising the functionalities offered by platforms like Zoom and FaceTime.


  • Virtual Meetings: Ideal for family gatherings or online classes.
  • Screen Sharing: Share your screen to look at photos or documents together.
  • Accessibility: Offers features like subtitles and keyboard shortcuts.

FaceTime (Apple Users)

  • Intuitive Design: Simple interface for Apple device users.
  • High Quality: Offers clear video and audio quality.
  • Privacy: End-to-end encryption ensures secure calls.

How to Make a Video Call

  • Choose the Platform: Select the service that best fits your needs.
  • Create an Account: Sign up with an email address or phone number.
  • Add Contacts: Search for family and friends and add them to your contact list.
  • Start a Call: Click on a contact and select the video call option.

Tips for a Great Video Call Experience

  • Stable Internet Connection: Ensure a smooth call without interruptions.
  • Good Lighting: Position yourself where the lighting highlights your face.
  • Clear Audio: Use headphones or a quiet room to minimise background noise.

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