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Retirement Villages – Info you need to know

Market Overview: Retirement Villages in New Zealand

The retirement village sector in New Zealand is experiencing significant growth and transformation. With an ageing population, the demand for retirement village units is rapidly increasing. As of the latest studies, there are approximately 48,746 residents living in retirement villages across New Zealand. This number reflects a continual rise from previous years, indicating a growing trend in this living arrangement among the older population.
The retirement village landscape is characterised by a diverse range of operators, with the ‘big six’ significant owner-operators holding a considerable market share. These include Ryman, Metlifecare, Summerset Group, Bupa, Oceania Healthcare, and Arvida Group. The size of villages varies, with some operators like Ryman having larger average unit counts per village, while others like Bupa and Oceania focus more on hospital-level care, reflecting in their smaller average unit sizes.
Regional differences are also notable in the retirement village sector. For instance, the Bay of Plenty has the highest retirement village population penetration rate, followed by Auckland and Gisborne. This regional variance affects the availability and type of retirement villages, as well as the services offered.
The sector is not without its challenges. Factors such as rising construction costs, the cooling housing market, and general economic conditions, including inflation and labour shortages, have impacted the development and expansion of retirement villages. Despite these challenges, the sector continues to expand, with plans for refurbishing existing villages and developing new ones to meet the growing demand.
There’s also an emerging trend of increasing ethnic diversity among retirement village residents. This diversity is likely to create a further need for more units in the future, and potentially influence the types of services and amenities offered by the villages.
The future of the retirement village sector in New Zealand seems poised for continued growth, with an emphasis on meeting the diverse and evolving needs of the country’s ageing population. Operators and policymakers are likely to face the ongoing challenge of balancing expansion and diversification with economic and regulatory constraints.

Below, you will find relevant information for Retirement Villages in New Zealand.

  1. Retirement Village Costs
    Purpose: This articles gives you an understanding of all the relevant information around costs for retirement villages.
    Ideal For: Those considering a move to a retirement village and wanting to understand the financial commitment.

Coming Soon: More Article on Retirement Villages!
We are continuously working to put together more articles on Retirement Villages in NZ.
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