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Routine Upkeep Tasks

Practical tasks for home preservation

Regular home maintenance is crucial, especially for older individuals, to ensure a safe and efficient living environment. Key tasks include changing air filters, cleaning gutters, inspecting smoke detectors and a number of others. Proper upkeep not only prolongs the life of your home but also reduces risks of accidents and costly repairs.

Routine upkeep tasks - fire alarm

Smoke Alarm Check: Ensure detectors are functional and batteries are fresh, as this provides immediate warnings against potentially life-threatening fires or gas leaks, ensuring the safety of inhabitants. There are many varieties of these alarms. It is worthwhile finding one that covers multiple issues and can warn the fire brigade or your family when they go off.

Gutter Cleaning: Regularly clear gutters of debris and ensure downspouts are unobstructed, as this prevents water damage to the home’s structure and foundation, which could result in costly repairs or unsafe living conditions.

Roof Inspection: Periodically check for missing or damaged roofing tiles and signs of wear on your roof. Early detection of potential issues helps avoid extensive damage from leaks, safeguarding the home’s structural integrity.

Heat Pump Filter Clean or Replacement: Change out the filters in the HVAC system as recommended, since clean air reduces health risks, and a well-maintained HVAC operates efficiently, saving on energy costs.

Yard and Walkway Maintenance: Keep walkways clear of debris and ensure even ground, reducing the risk of trips and falls, a common hazard for older individuals.

Dryer Vent Cleaning: Clean out lint buildup from the dryer vent regularly, preventing potential fires and ensuring both safety and the efficient operation of the appliance. This should ideally be done every couple of times you use the dryer as the efficiency of the dryer is reduced considerably when it has lint buildup.

Routine upkeep tasks

Window and Door Seal Inspection: Examine seals around windows and doors for gaps or cracks, as this maintains indoor comfort by preventing drafts and reduces energy costs by preventing heat or cool air loss.

Tape and Pipe Inspection: Regularly check for leaks or drips in taps and visible pipes, detecting water wastage early and preventing inflated water bills and potential water damage.

Water Heater Flush: Yearly drain the water heater to remove sediment, ensuring the longevity of the heater, its efficient operation, and reducing the risk of leaks or malfunctions.

Refrigerator Coil Cleaning: Clean the coils at the back or underneath the refrigerator, keeping the refrigerator running efficiently, saving energy, and extending the appliance’s lifespan. While this is not often done, it can reduce energy costs.

Toilet Inspection: Ensure toilets flush properly and check for potential leaks, avoiding water wastage, potential water damage, and ensuring sanitation in the home.

Chimney Inspection and Cleaning: Check chimneys for blockages or creosote buildup annually, preventing chimney fires and ensuring efficient heating during colder months.

Silvercare has put together a checklist that you can download and use for your home maintenance. Just click on this link to download it. We recommend printing it out and going through it at least once a year. Click here to download.

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