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Home & Garden

Everything you need for a senior-friendly home and garden.

Retirement Friendly Layout

Practical Home Adjustment

Home Automation

House Upkeep

Decluttering Made Easy

Pest Management

Landscape Design

Lawn Care

Gardening & Your Health

Choosing Right Pets

Pets & Your Health

Deep Cleaning

Housekeeping Options

Laundry Assistance

Select one of the topics above to get insights into how to design and maintain your home and garden as you age. 

Being in your own home and garden enables you to continue to play, discover and learn. 

We don’t stop playing because we grow old; we grow old because we stop playing

George Bernard Shaw

The above sections will help you design your home in a way that will enable you to stay comfortable and safe in your own home to enjoy the joys and familiarity that your home brings to you.  We don’t want you to be in a sterile environment, but want your creativity, your imprint on your living space.  

The simple modifications that we recommend can make your home much more liveable. Also the available technology that supports you is increasing every day.  Don’t be scared of it, embrace it, learn it and see how it can make your life better.

We encourage you to plant a garden, a fruit tree and grow some of your own Kumara.  Take time to rediscover nature and the wonders that it provides.  Enjoy the sun, the flowers and the beauty of creation itself.  

We look into the benefits of pets and help you with choosing the right pet for you. We dig into this topic and give you guidance in this area.

Finally we look at keeping your house and clothing clean and spotless.