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Medication Management for the Elderly

Putting a system in place to manage your medication needs.

Most seniors take multiple medications throughout the day. This makes it easy for mixups to happen. Taking medication correctly is very important for treating health conditions, so that is why it’s good to have in place a process to avoid mixups or taking the wrong drug or dose that what was prescribed. Below we share a number of important tips that help you manage your medication.

1. Gather Medications in One Place
Centralising medications eliminates the chaos of hunting down pill bottles from different locations. Designate a specific drawer or cabinet, ensuring every medication has its rightful, easily accessible spot.

2. Store Correctly
While gathering medications is crucial, so is storing them appropriately. Most medications require a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight. Avoid bathrooms, as humidity can compromise the efficacy. Always keep medicines out of reach of grandchildren or pets for safety.

3. Maintain a Comprehensive List
A current list of all medications, along with their dosages and purposes, is invaluable. Not only does it offer a quick reference, but it’s also immensely helpful during doctor visits. Ensure this list is updated whenever there’s a change. You can easily create your own or click here for a template that you can use.

4. Pre-sort Medications Each Week
Using a weekly pill organiser can simplify the daily routine. Every Sunday, perhaps, spend a few moments sorting the week’s medications. This pre-planning can prevent missed doses and offers a quick visual confirmation of what’s been taken.

5. Set Reminders
Even with the best intentions, it’s easy to forget a dose. Set daily reminders – this could be an alarm, a phone notification, or even a note on the refrigerator. Consistency in medication timing can optimise their benefits.

6. Plan Ahead for Refills
Running out of crucial medications can be more than an inconvenience; it can be hazardous. Keep an eye on medication levels, and when a prescription is running low, arrange for a refill. Some pharmacies also offer automatic refills, removing the hassle of remembering.

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