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NZ Superannuation (NZ Super)

Understand the eligibility and benefits for NZ Super

New Zealand Superannuation provides a retirement income for those who have reached the age of 65 years old. It is not income or asset tested and is available to all NZ citizens or residents, living in NZ who are 65 years old and have lived a certain portion of their lives in NZ.

Eligibility requirements

  • 65 years or over.
  • A NZ citizen or permanent resident
  • Living in NZ, the Cook Islands, Niue or Tokelau at the time you apply.
  • Must have lived in NZ for a total of 10 years since you turned 20 if you were born prior to July 1959. However the number of years you have to have lived in NZ increases incrementally up to 20 years for those born after July 1977.
  • Must have lived in NZ or the Cook Islands, Niue or Tokelau for a least 5 years since you turned 50.
  • If you are using time live in Australia towards meeting the residence qualification, you will need to meet the age criteria for the Australian Age Pension (which is currently 67).
  • If you have a partner that doesn’t already qualify for their own NZ Super and they still need financial help, they’ll need to apply for another benefit on their own.

Frequently Asked Questions?

Is NZ Super income tested?

No, it is not. You can stay working and still get Super.

Do I have to be retired to get NZ Super?

No, you do not have to be retired to get NZ superannuation.

Is NZ Super asset tested?

No, it is not asset tested. It is available for those who are asset rich or asset poor.

How is NZ super paid?

Directly to your bank account fortnightly

When should I apply for NZ Super?

Apply at least 2 – 3 weeks before you turn 65 years old to avoid missing payments.

Can I travel overseas and still get NZ Super?

Yes, you can if the time outside of the country is less than 26 weeks.  It’s important to note that if you do not return within 30 weeks you will have to repay all payments since you left.  Please note that if you plan to leave the country for over four weeks you need to tell NZ Super that you will be away.

If I forget to apply until 6 months after I turn 65 years old, will I get back paid?

No, you will only get paid from the date you apply.

If I was born overseas or lived or worked overseas, how will this affect my pension?

You and your partner must apply for any overseas pensions you may be able to get.  Work and Income Seniors Office can help you work out what overseas pension you are entitled to and what your entitlement is around NZ Super.

NZ super eligibility
New Zealand Super Payments

How much will I get paid on NZ Super?

The amount you get paid is dependent upon your living situation. Living alone or in shared accomodation with change your entitlement. Also your entitlement changes whether or not your partner is getting the pension.

How do I apply for NZ Superannuation?

So you passed the eligibility test and now you want to apply. Well, it is very easy and the NZ government has provided a number of ways to apply. The easiest way is to apply at the work and income website. Or you can call them on 0800 552 002. If you are already getting a separate benefit, it is best to contact NZ Super first on 0800 552 002, rather than applying online.

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