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Calculators – Empowering you to make informed decisions

Welcome to our Calculator Hub, a dedicated space for you to explore tools that will assist you in making important decisions about your retirement and financial planning. Whether you’re considering moving to a retirement village or staying in your own home, our calculators are here to guide you through the financial aspects of these choices.

Below, you will find a range of calculators designed to simplify complex financial decisions into clear, actionable insights. While we currently offer two calculators, stay tuned as we expand our suite to encompass more aspects of financial planning for seniors.

  1. Retirement Village Cost Calculator
    Purpose: This calculator helps you understand the financial implications of moving into a retirement village. Input various costs such as entry fees, monthly maintenance fees, and exit costs to get a comprehensive view of the long-term financial commitment involved.
    How to Use: Enter the details and the calculator will provide an estimated yearly cost and total value change over time.
    Ideal For: Those considering a move to a retirement village and wanting to understand the financial commitment.
  2. Living Income / Expense Budget Calculator
    Purpose: Plan and manage your daily living income and expenses effectively with this calculator. Input incomes such as NZ Super and investment property then input all your various expenses such groceries, utilities, healthcare, or leisure activities, to get a realistic picture of your monthly income vs expenses.
    How to Use: Input your regular income and expenses in the various categories provided, and the calculator will give you an overview of your financial situation.
    Ideal For: Seniors looking to budget effectively and manage their day-to-day finances in retirement.

Coming Soon: More Calculators!
We are continuously working to develop more calculators to assist you in various aspects of life and financial planning. Future additions may include:

Home Modification Budget Calculator: For estimating costs of making your home senior-friendly.
Healthcare Cost Estimator: To plan for future healthcare expenses.
Estate Planning Calculator: To assist in long-term financial planning.

Your Feedback Matters
We are committed to providing tools that are genuinely useful to you. If there are specific calculators you would like us to develop, or if you have suggestions on how to improve our existing tools, please Contact Us.

Thank you for using our Calculator Hub. We hope these tools empower you to make the best decisions for your retirement lifestyle and financial wellbeing.