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About Us

Our Journey: Responding to a Growing Need

New Zealand’s population is ageing. Over the next 20 years, we anticipate that the percentage of our population over 65 years of age will grow from 16% to a staggering 25%. This demographic shift underscores an increasingly crucial need: supporting this burgeoning population in their desire to remain in their own homes as they age.

As we observed this trend, we realised the complexity of the challenge that many Kiwi seniors face. There is plenty of information available, but it is often hidden, or hard to access and very disjointed.

Recognising this gap, we embarked on our website build: to create an accessible web platform that provides information on how to stay in your own home as you age. And so, our website was born, with the aim of empowering older Kiwis to navigate the complexities of ageing in place with ease and confidence.

We are proud to serve our community in this way, and we are committed to continually enhancing our platform to ensure it remains a useful and reliable resource for Kiwi seniors and their loved ones.

Our Mission: Empowering Kiwi Seniors to Age in Place

At the centre of our platform is a singular goal: To empower older Kiwis to live independently and comfortably in their own homes. We are deeply committed to making the journey of ageing a positive, dignified, and fulfilling experience.

We understand that the process of ageing brings a unique set of challenges. Navigating these can be daunting, but we believe it doesn’t have to be. Through providing easy access to comprehensive and reliable resources, we aim to simplify this process, helping our seniors make informed decisions about their lifestyle.

Our Impact: Making a Difference in the Lives of Kiwi Seniors

Since our inception, we have been driven by the goal of making a real, positive impact in the lives of Kiwi seniors. Today, we are proud to say we have done just that.

Our platform has helped hundreds of older New Zealanders find the resources they need to make their homes safer and more comfortable, understand the government support available to them, and navigate the many aspects of independent living.

We have received heartwarming feedback from seniors who have found our resources helpful in maintaining their independence, and from families who have used our site to support their older relatives. We’ve heard stories of individuals who have connected with others in similar situations through our platform, creating a sense of community and mutual support.

Here is just one story: “After stumbling upon your site, my mum, who’s 70, found all the information she needed to modify her home and apply for the necessary government grants. It has made a world of difference for her independence and peace of mind. Thank you for creating this invaluable resource!”

Our impact extends beyond the individuals who use our site. By helping our seniors age in place, we are contributing to a shift in how our society views ageing – not as a problem to be solved, but as a phase of life to be embraced and celebrated.

We are proud of the difference we have made so far, and we are excited about the opportunities that lie ahead. Our commitment to empowering Kiwi seniors to live comfortably in their own homes continues to drive us forward.